LaDonna Crawford
5 min readSep 27, 2018

“My Earth Angel”

When people show up when you’re really down !!

Hello this story was inspired by someone I met while on my “Homeless Journey” therefore I’m dedicating this story to “Michael”. Of course for privacy reasons, I’ll not disclose Michaels full name. Also I want to say that, I believe the “Homeless term, should cease to be used” !! 🤔 Ok now I’ll explain why I made that statement. I feel as though no one is actually ever “Homeless”, I’m basing that on my belief that wherever a person is living be it in a car, or a tent or just out in the “Open city”, that that’s actually his or her home.

Everyone, if you really give my reasoning some serious thought, it’ll actually make sense 🤔. Ok so getting back to my “Earth Angel Story”… While I was living out of my “Car”, I met quite a few people. Some were kind and showed me Compassion, some were actually mean Spirited and let me Know that, they didn’t want me around. And whatever reaction I received was Ok because, I believe strongly that, “Everyone should he able to, feel however they want” as long as they don’t forced their opinions, views on others. And of course, do not take physical action to change either mines, or anyone else’s situation.

Basically have your opinion, but stay out of My business.!! 😉 So having said that, I met people who I only saw once, I met people that I saw on a daily basis, that were cordial, and we’d talk whenever we saw one another, I met “Professional people that actually showed concern for my situation and even “Offered to help when and if they were able to. 😇 Then there were the “ Sad people that wanted to make my life, and the others ( Homeless people) miserable. 😞 They didn’t want us around them, as though it was “Contagious” !!

Now is the “Heart of my story” there were my “Earth Angels”, meaning the people that I met that seem to know exactly when I was having a really tough time out there, and needed help !! 😇 They would show up, out of nowhere during the time when I had a particular need , and stay until I didn’t have the problem any longer.then just as quickly as they’d appeared to me, they were gone when the problem was under Control.

I use to be “Sad” when they went away from me, when I no longer would see them. Then I started to realize that, this person or persons came to me when I needed some type of assistance, then went away, however not before, helping me with my problem. Rather than focusing on the fact that, these people had went away, I focused on the fact that, they’d actually left after “Taking care of me/ my problem”.

Therefore, I started thinking of these people as my “Earth Angels” for example, there came a time when I was experiencing car troubles, and of course money was extremely tight I always “Pray before going to bed”, so this night I prayed that I’d be sent some type of help. The next morning, I was awaken up by my now friend “Michael” 😇 Michael showed up at a time when I was starting to,feel as though my situation was only going to get worse.i was fresh out of “Resources”,

The night before Michael arrived on “My Scene” I’d Prayed to God to send me a friend, someone who’d stick around, while the times we’re tough 😄 when I woke up the next morning, “Michael literally, drove up right along side of me and said “Good morning”, I actually told Michael that, I’d Prayed for some assistance, for the Lord to send me someone to help me through my “Rough time” and he just appeared 😇 Michael and I laughed about that, however, it was actually Michael who’d turned out to stay around and help wherever he could.

Michael had been telling me that, he was going to be leaving, moving away in 2 weeks, I was Sad. I quickly stopped being sad and I realized that, “People show up in your life to help you and then they have to move on when their job has been done.” So I hoped that Michael would stay however, he’d come to help me so, I was simply greatful for having him around, when I did. I really didn’t want Michael to go however, I’d always remember him as… “My Earth Angel” 😇😂😌

“Thanks to my friend, Michael” you’ll never be forgotten. I’ve actually “ dedicated this story to “Micheal may he always have his very own “Earth Angel” !!!!

Also, let’s start appreciating however much time we’re getting from these “Earth Angels” and not question the amount of time however long or short.

“So I can’t stress enough how very important it is for us to simply accept the help, support from whoever is kind enough to extend themselves to us !! For however long it lasts. We have to stop putting expectations on people’s care, assistance, Love. People generally give what they can and want to for the most part. This is good relationship advice as well. We should stop putting Conditions, on our relationships “Period”. No one likes being pressured to give more of themselves, than they’re willing to. Ok with that I’m going to say, bye for now. 😇. “You all have a pleasant day”, and Thanks a lot for your time. “Peace”

LaDonna Crawford

Hi, I'm a mother, grandmother customer service representative, and " I love to write for medium" I also love to read..and also Im on "Instagram" donna_frncs2020