“Discussion for GoD”
Does GoD really Exist ?
Hello to all of you who has decided to “Open up” your mind and listen to what I have to share with you, regarding my “Discussion about GoD”, and whether or not he “Really does exist and ,if GoD is responsible for All “Creations both here on Earth, and our “Galaxy”, and of course, the Great massive Oceans around the world.
We all know this is the “Sun” gives us Heat, and Daylight.
This is that rare “Blue full moon” the moon helps us to have a pleasant night, to rest for our next day.
Oh my goodness, these are just 25 of the many many “Stars in our Sky” the Beautiful stars provide us with light during our night’s.
Ladies and gentleman, this is our Phenomenal “Solar System” these are Some of our “ Other Planets” in Our Wonderful “Universe”.
This is the “Enormous” Atlantic Ocean…..Which has a undersea, world all it’s own…it is one of many
I’m going to begin by saying that, i respect everyone’s “Opinion” regarding, whether or not they believe in “God, Jesus Christ” however ,“I am a Believer in God”, and I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God’s”, and that his life was “Sacrificed”, so that those of “Us who believe in him, would have “Eternal life”. I’ve written Several stories since becoming a Member here and, I must say that this Publication to me, is in my Opinion one of the reasons the Lord “ Gifted me with the talent for “Writing”.
Having said that, because I am a believer, and i’m able to communicate with others through my publications, I feel as though, I have a “Obligation” to talk to those of you who haven’t gotten to know about the Lord, and Jesus Christ. Normally, as children we rely on our “Parents” to teach us everything that’s important to know, in our life so that we will have the “Tools”, in which to live by. And as time goes on, we’re suppose to do the same for our children.
“ The Crucifixion”
Christ dying so that we shall live on
The only thing with that is, everyone’s “Parents” were not believers themselves, maybe because they weren’t taught about the Lord, and then maybe, they simply were taught, however when they became “Adults” they decided not to continue their relationship with the Lord.
My mom was a Baptist, she was an Eastern Star, and my Step father was a Mason. So there were six of us, myself included. I was the youngest. Church was very much a part of my families lives. I was Baptized at ten years old, along with my older Sister, which was 14 years old at the time.
Some of us participated in Church because, we didn’t have a choice, and the others ( like myself,) actually enjoyed it. Even at my age at the time, I felt in my heart, and soul ,and mind that the Lord was real.I was always a curious person, I always had in my opinion, good “common sense”. Also, when someone accepts the Lord into his or her life, He reveals himself to them.
Therefore, I didn’t solely rely on what I was told by my Parents, or even our Pastor, I studied my child’s bible, attended bible study and I opened my eyes and looked around me, and I used the “Brain” that our Lord gave me in order to be able to, reason, to think with. I realized at that age that, everyone and every thing, animals, the Sky the Ocean, the Sun, the Stars in the sky, the air that we breathe in and out, all of these thing’s and more had to Have a “Creator”!!!……………………….
“ The Creation ……..By the Creator ……the Lord “
OK, take a moment or two and think about what I just said……I’ll say it again, Every person, animal, The moon the Stars, the Sun, Space Solar system (other planets) had to have a “Creator”…………………….
Now take a moment, or two and ask “Yourself”, What or who made all of this possible? To put it in more simpler terms, Who created the first human being? Another human could not have, So Who or What did ? This had to be a very Powerful, Perfect Energy .these are questions that even as a child, I asked “Myself”, and common sense, told me that. There’s something very powerful and all knowing that Created Us and this World that we live in !
Which brings me to this. As a person who knows and believes in the Lord, I actually have a Obligation whenever possible, to tell “Whomever will listen”, about the Lord. There are those who aren’t quite sure how they feel about this “Subject”, so that’s where I come in . I’m not going to “twist any arms”, nor will I try and “Frighten anyone with eternal Hell and damnation !!
However what I will do is, try and provide intelligent facts, so that you can at the very least, start to “Think about the possibility, of God” once you do that, it should be easy. Some people can’t believe because, they say “I can’t believe in something that I can’t actually “See, or touch, feel” Once again, use your “God given”, common sense ( brain)
For example, we can’t See the Wind, but we know its there, I’ll go a step further, Who or what, could’ve Provided us with the “Air” that we need to have in order to “Survive”
The Bible( the Lord) says that we are suppose to Love one another, like we Love ourselves. So that’s the reason for this Story. You know that “God is Love”, So I want to “Reach” as many people as i can. If I can get just one person to think about this Story and decide for “Themselves” then I will have done my duty, and spread the Word !!
Also, it is necessary in order to be cleansed and born again” into “Christ”, one must be “Baptized” By an Ordained minister, member of the Church.
“John the Baptist, Baptizing Jesus Christ”
“Here is a young lady being baptized by the Minister of her Church”
Here’s my advice to you, Why not at least Consider what I’m saying, If nothing else…”What do you have to lose”? However if you don’t seek and get to know “God”, then you have a great deal to lose.
“ Everyone the time is NOW”, to decide whether or not you want to, live eternally or, only while you’re here on “Earth”
Please believe me when i say, “ I’m by no means trying to frighten you” however, the next day, hour, minute, even seconds are NOT a given. we don’t know when we’ll have to make that transition. Believe me. As a Mother of a Son, who passed away suddenly on “ June 26th,2012” i’m here to tell you, that it’s never too soon to secure your “Soul”. I’m just blessed to have had the opportunity to “Teach both of my Sons”, about the Lord. Even though my heart will always be “Broken, due to my Loss” i take “Peace in knowing that. My Son Knew the Lord, and he was baptized during his lifetime.
My Son Brandon Crawford taken at Alameda Beach. Brandon loved to swim.
I’ll give you an “Example”, if you should seek the Lord, and accept him, his teachings, and then something happens and you pass away, then having “Accepted the Lord”, and through your passing, realize that, “God was actually real after all, then you will have prepared yourself, for that fateful day that you “Perished”.
You will have been saved from eternal, damnation. On the other hand, if you should pass away and find that “God” really did Not exist, then you’ve lost nothing, you just cease to exist. So you see to Embrace the Lord, can only “Enhance your life while you’re living it, and it can allow you to live in a “Perfect world, after this one”
I know at times we ask ourselves, “Why does God allow bad things, to happen to good people”? Well God gives us “Free will”, so if one person harms another, that’s God “Not” interfering with that person’s “Free will” however that person will have to face their “Consequences”.think about what I’m saying here for a moment. Do you want a God that makes all of your decisions for you? Of course not. It’s because we’re human beings, we make “Mistakes”
OK, some people still ask, why do we Die? That’s very simple, first of all ”No one, lives forever in “This world ! The way to do that, is to “Accept Jesus Christ, as your Lord and saviour , and be born again. Also, the only way to “Heaven, and new world is to Shed your earthly body, from this World !
I have a very long time , good friend that sums it up perfectly. He says “Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to “Die”, in order to get there !! Are you starting to get the picture here ??
Like I said when I began, I’m not interested in forcing, my beliefs on anyone. I’m not interested in Trying to Scare anyone into accepting the Lord, Im simply allowing “God”, to use me as one of his messengers. I feel that, the fact that I’m able to talk to numerous people through this Platform, Obligates me to, tell “whomever, is willing to listen” about the Lord and what is in store for us, After this life here on earth is done.!
All I’m asking is that, you use your “God given, intelligence” and reasoning and decide first yourselves, if what I’ve said here actually, makes any sense to you. If it does, then by all means, you owe it to “Yourself” , to explore this Amazing “God of ours”. Also if you should discover that, “God is real”, then by all means “ Go and spread the word and talk to your friends, and family (Strangers), about the Lord.
Also remember, God loves you, and Jesus loves you so much that, he “Died for your sins” there is no greater love, than that. Also, I love you too. “God is Love” remember if you’d like to start getting to know, the Lord just simply “Open your eyes”, and look all around you. He’s literally “Everywhere” !! He’s in the Sky, he’s the sunset, the sunrise, he’s in the rain, the snow, every glass of water you drink, think of him, because he created the water.
Are you getting the picture here ??