“ Badge Of Honor”
“Good Cop…..Bad Cop”….
“ Cops Season 1 Live television show real events”
“Cops Season 1”
“Cops series 1 Texas Justice”
Hello everyone, this Officer is One of the “Many” Good Cops 😇….
Everyone…as you can See, this Officer has lost his “Way” 😔
“Hello, thank you” for taking the time to read my Story. This story is a “Tribute” to the Many good, honest and “Law abiding”, Men, Women and “Canine” Police Officers that Leave their homes and Families everyday, to Serve and Protect “You and me. Not knowing if Some tragedy will Occur and, they’re injured, or even worse “Killed”. Or maybe they’ll, be put in a kill or be killed situation and, they’ll have to “End” Someones Life. !!
Since the George Floyd “Murder” people have gotten so blinded by that Video, and I totally “Get it” it was beyond Horrible!! It literally made me “Nauseous “ ,however we all need to take a moment and realize that, we need to let the “Decent Cops” know that, we appreciate them.
So, “Thank You” all for helping to keep, our World, Safe. and thank you for doing so “Without”, any Prejudice and Without the use of excessive force. Now I want t to acknowledge the fact that, The bad rogue cops, have made it twice as hard for the rest of our Officers, to do their jobs due to the fact that, “Society ( in general) is a bit distrusting of the Police, because we don’t know which is which(Generally speaking of course).
“This is A Graduated Academy” I’m sure most of these officers, are eager to “Protect and Serve”
Another proud Academy graduation
“This Officer, is teaching this young man, how to properly wear his Tie”
This Officer’s helping this young man with his Project.
This young lady, could hardly believe that, this Officer is helping to change her “Flat tire” 😊
These Officers actually joined the Protesters, and took a knee in “Support” of their Protest .
More Officer’s offering “Support”
Ok, moving forward. Their are People that have discussed totally, getting “Rid” of police, or decreasing the Amount of Officer’s that we’re going to have in the future!!! 😲 What I say to them is this, “Don’t be Foolish” !! 🤔.the last thing Society needs, is “Less Police officers”. We actually need more ( Honest ones). 😊🙏
I don’t want to have to call on them, and find that, there’s no one that’s able to come! That would mean the difference between ,life and death.!
When I was a little girl, I mean I was only 4 year’s old. My mom (for unknown reasons to this day), kicked my “Dad”, out of our home.I was the youngest of six children, so it obviously was for a good reason.
However, my Dad ( actually Step dad) he still had his “House keys”. He let himself in our house, literally “Hid” in my mom’s bedroom closet and, when she came home, he “Hit her over the head, with a chair !!! 😔 well needless to say, this was quite a heavy chair, because this was in the sixties, and Chairs were really made with heavy wood, or metal.
This picture actually is not as bad as, the way my mom looked. “Both of her her eyes were Swollen Shut, her nose was broken, she looked like a “Monster”, to me. Keep in mind I was only 4 years old. My mom reached ought her arms for me, and I backed up and started crying,!! 😪 I’ll Never forget, how she looked.!
I know I hurt her feelings, however she understood and she tried to show me, that she understood. Like I said, I was the youngest of six kids.
My two oldest were, 15 years and 14 year’s old therefore, my older Siblings, took care of me and Our mom while she “ Healed”.
Well needles to say “The Police” were called out to our home and they took my Step dad, to Jail. 😊
This photo gives you an idea of how thing’s went, the Officer’s were really compassionate towards my mom and my siblings. I was so happy to see them, drag his “sorry ass”, out of our home and to jail.! Strangest thing happened, when my mom went to court to, tell the Judge what took place,she was told that, she’d have to come back, the following week because, my Step dad was ill and, was’nt able to appear in court.
Maybe my Step dad, met a “ Not so nice Officer, that frowned upon, Wife beater’s ??? 🤭
As a Child of 4, I imagined my Step dad, getting punished by the Policemen,,,, Maybe the ones that look like this, just for bad guys. 🤭🤭. Turns out year’s later after we were all grown up, my Step dad, told us that, the police really had a little “Discussion with him about abusing my mom, and the “Discussion”, was so “Intense”, that he was drained of all of his energy, and couldn’t make , “His Court appearance” !!🤭🤭🤭
Of course, my family and I would Never wish any “Harm”, upon him however, if it happened, let’s just say, It was out of our Hands, and I don’t think “Any of us”, shed any tears for him….!!
Since then, I knew that I wouldn’t want to live in a world where, the “Bad guy’s”, could do whatever they wanted.!! So Let’s Honor, and appreciate our “Good Police”.
“God Bless you all and I’ll sleep better tonight, knowing that if need be, I can “Dial 9 1 1" 🙏 Be Safe out there. 😊
Thanks Officer’s, You are Appreciated. Be Safe 🙏