“Angels they appear in many different forms”
Here are two very different examples
Hello everyone I’ve decided to write about “Angels”, and the many forms that they take on. What a lot of us don’t realize is that, Their are actual Angels amongst us.
Sometimes you encounter “ Angels that have Wings” other times they appear just like….you and me..The truth is, there are so many types of angels, Of course we all know that “Infants, and young Children” are Angels. That’s due to the fact that, Children are “Pure at heart”, they haven’t been involved in “Sin” yet.
These two pictures represent what I mean, infants and toddlers.
While this picture represents the Older group of “Innocence”
Of course we can’t leave out the “Angels” with the actual “Wings”.
I have chosen some Well known “Angels” most of us know these however, there are Angels that we interact with Sometimes, on a daily basis ! These are the People that we know, some we don’t know but, we’ve come in contact with them, at some point and time.
These are the people that have a “Good heart”, they are Spiritual, they are familiar with a Higher power meaning, they Know that we have a “Creator”, that want us to “Love and care for One another” depending on the person, this Creator or Divine source, is Known by “Different names”.
Even though there are different Denominations, of Religion, we all know that, there’s Some Divine being that “Created this World”. ( those of us who believe). Therefore some Believers, have a very Strong Faith, and they’ve been Chosen to carry out “The Lords Teachings”, while they’re here on earth.
We all are familiar with “Saints”, we are familiar with Priest’s, Rabbi’s, Ministers, The Pope, etc. However all of the Divine being’s chosen aren’t always “Identifiable” meaning that, they don’t always have a title, or Head a Church. They are chosen just the same.
I’ve found that, whenever a person has a pure “Heart” ( doesn’t mean they’re perfect) that individual is one of “Gods” chosen. And they are what we call, “Earth angels”. Just like we have “Angels”, we have “Demons” as well. You can’t have One ( good) without the other (evil). !
There’s an “Old saying” that, we should be careful how we treat others because, We just may be, “Interacting with an Angel” !! I truly believe that, God has placed actual Angels here on earth to Assist those of us, who are deserving of his help. Also there are people which are Angels because they have “Good hearts, and they have a strong connection, with the Lord! They’ve been chosen to carry out the Lord’s work, while still here on Earth.
These are Our Friends, Co workers, relatives, people that we see, interact with sometimes on a daily basis. You can tell because, their always being “Positive, in their Conversations and their “Deeds”. These people help you and “Don’t expect anything in return.
First example, have you ever been in a “Crisis”, situation where epithet you were in danger, stranded, or I’ll and no one seemed to be around you at the time, when suddenly out of nowhere, appears help ? Then that person helped you, and won’t on their way. Well that’s how the Angels, (earth or otherwise) operate. They appear when you are in a intense,often times, dangerous situation, they help you out of it, then “Off they go”. Never asking first any compensation, of asking questions as to how you got yourself, into the situation.